25 years of happiness.
25 years of survival.
25 years of existence.
Silver birthday! I'm on the 1/4 of my life's journey. (If i'll reach 100. :D )
Candles, Sumptuous meals, family, friends, church, cakes and gifts will always be a part of this special celebration. A birthday is a special mark for a person because it shows that you've survived another year. Celebrating birthdays is already a tradition for almost all people (except those with other religious views), a moment of joy shared with families, friends and loved ones. As for me, I chose to celebrate my birthday by going to church to thank God for all the blessings, may it be in a form of challenges, pain or opportunities. Then be with the people who brought me here on earth, families and loved ones in a simple family gathering.
Of course, each of our birthdays has its origin. The date of our actual birth.
Here are some facts about me:
- I was born on June 22, 1988, making me a Dragon Lady ;)
-I was delivered via normal vaginal delivery at exactly 7:30 pm.
-I was born at the Medical City, Mandaluyong Metro Manila
-My parents told me that my name is Jane because I was born on June. haha. nice! they don't need to search too far for a name. :)
-I weighed 2.65 kgs. upon delivery :) (see? i'm not that heavy. :P)
This post might be a little late for my real birthday but i know it will never be too late for me to thank everyone that became a part of my 25 years here on earth, may they still be existing in my world today or not. :)
To God, thank you! You know what I feel and what I need. What I desire and what I'm going through. Thank you for all the blessings. I will always love you.
To my family, relatives, especially my parents, thank you so much for everything. For bringing me here on earth and letting me see the world. For patiently teaching me everything and for never leaving my side. For always being patient and for loving me when I''m not so lovable. And to my siblings, thank you for always being there. Through good times, down and gloomy moments, thank you. We may have small arguments but my love for you will never fade.
To my friends, colleagues, and co-workers, thank you for all the greetings! For never forgetting our friendship even if we are miles apart. Thank you for making me laugh during unbearable times, for always listening to my endless stories and for always being a constant companion in any situation.
To my mentors, supervisors and leaders, thank you for remembering me! For teaching me everything i need to know about the world from the books and on the job training.
To my acquaintances, schoolmates and batchmates, thank you! Your greetings will always remind me of your presence in my life.
To everyone who didn't make it to my present, still, thank you! For all the memories and lessons you've taught me. Because of you I've grown stronger and more appreciative of all the other things I have in my life. Thank you for being a part of my life and for being a part of who I am today.
To my love, thank you for everything! For coming in my life not when my life is so miserable but by coming just in time when I''m slowly putting my world together. Thank you for always listening and for tolerating all my shallow and stupid actions and attitude. I love you always.
To everyone concerned or not, thank you thank you! it is very overwhelming to know that I passed by your mind, and you took up just a little of your time to greet me. Thank you! :)
This post is a thank you note for everyone. I may not be able to mention all of you one by one but you know in your hearts and in your minds that I am very grateful to have you all in my life. May we have more years together and more birthdays to celebrate with all of you. Cheers! :)
*Birthday photos and outfit will be posted soon. :)
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